Tricks for air dry your hair

Your hair not uncomfortable long time take air dry. Find out about tricks, while air drying your hair can take up for a good cause with help from a professional hair stylist in this free video clip.

Day together. I am a hairdresser Amanda Shackleton, and today I will show you some tricks how to dry your hair without a blow dryer. So what I like to do is, remove the hair only small sections on the back. Give a little gel spray and then just scrunch it up with fingers just. Think also kneading and kneading. I take it and just kind of bring mean round as just the air through the hair finger to let go. And while he does that, it goes dry the hair at the roots and then work your way all the way down. Ok. Take only another section, down like the income sections. You want to take a middle section not to small sizes, or it takes forever and if you make it too big, it will take too long to dry. So take another section, give him a quick spritz. Kind of fluff when up in your fingers just as little a. Give it a little shake from the root through the air. And only after further below. Now when you get to the top, you want to make sure because you want to get a little bit of the point at the top, want to make sure, to a little bit of the gel directly to the roots. And then again with your hands just kind of move it again. Another trick you can do to turn around the head. Flip it over really quickly, give it a good shake and shake them back. But, every few minutes with your fingers to type of fluff of your hair a little bit like that and really work, so that the air to the roots can reach the roots. And your hair dries really, really natural and really, really nice and you are not to be feared, the heat from a hair dryer on the hair. I'm Amanda Shackleton from NY bridal beauty and I have shown just that dry air you your hair.

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