Painless Way to Comb Tangles Out of Hair

Painless Way to Comb Tangles Out of Hair thumbnail Hold the hair in one hand as you gently comb the tangles out with the other hand. var containerWidth = parseInt($('.Grid8').css('width'), 10);$('.articlePhoto img').bind('load', function() {var img = $(this);var w = img.width();if (w Having long, lustrous locks is the envy of many women, but long hair isn't without its drawbacks, one of which is tangles. Windy weather, nighttime tossing and turning and shampooing can all cause tangles, which can be a frustrating and painful problem to solve. Keep a few tricks in your back pocket to painlessly remove tangles when they strike, and keep your long locks looking smooth and glamorous. Does this Spark an idea?


Separate a small section of hair at the front of your head and secure the rest of your hair in a clip at the back of your head.


Slide your fingers down the shaft of hair that you sectioned off, beginning towards the ends and alternating between the fingers of the right and the left hand. Use your nails to apply light pressure; if they catch on a tangle, don't stop -- continue stroking the section of hair, gently loosening the knots.


Stroke higher and higher on the section of hair as the knots towards the end begin to loosen. Don't pull too hard on the hair to avoid breaking the hair or causing pain.


Pick up your wide-tooth comb with one hand and firmly hold the section of hair about midway up with your other hand. Carefully begin to comb the ends of the hair with a light, quick touch. Holding the hair firmly will prevent pulling on the scalp should the comb snag on a tangle.


Shift your grip on the section of hair higher up as you continue to gently release the tangles with your wide-tooth comb. At the very top of the hair section, use your fingertips to grip smaller sections of hair as you comb to avoid pulling on the scalp.


Comb through the entire section of hair.


Pin the combed section of hair to the side, and separate another section of hair.


Repeat Steps 2 through 6 with the new section of hair and subsequent sections of hair until all the tangles are released.

Apply a spray-on shine enhancer and comb it through the hair after detangling. Secure your hair in the wind or while sleeping to prevent tangles.

Use a conditioner after shampooing to prevent tangles.

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