Selling Techniques for Hair Stylists

Selling Techniques for Hair Stylists thumbnail The most important selling technique for a hair stylist is building trust. Your clients must have the confidence that you understand their needs and style their hair in a way that makes them look and feel great. Listen to your clients, understand how they want to look and ask them about any problems they have with their hair. When you understand their needs, offer advice on the best way to achieve the results they want. Clients who trust you to deliver a great service will be happy to book the next appointment. Give someone a bad hair day and you can say goodbye to that client.

Once you have built a client’s trust, you can offer them additional products and services without appearing to be a high-pressure salesperson. If a client has told you about a problem with retaining a style for more than a few days, for example, recommend a product or suggest an additional treatment that will overcome the problem. That represents more income for you and a great benefit for your client.

You can encourage clients to keep coming back by making your service convenient for them. If you have clients who work full time, offer them a service outside your normal hours of business -- in the evening or at the weekend, for example. For clients who find it difficult to get to your salon, offer a home visit service. Make it easy for clients to book future appointments by setting up an online booking page on your website or allowing them to book by email.

You can strengthen relationships with your customers by rewarding their loyalty. Set up a voucher program that offers regular clients discounts for booking a series of appointments in advance. You could also provide a free appointment to clients who remain with you for an extended period, such as nine months or a year.

It’s important to maintain contact with all your clients, particularly those who do not make regular appointments. Ask your clients for email addresses and send them a regular newsletter with interesting information about new styles or new products. Include incentives to book appointments. Use social networking sites to let your clients know about developments in your business or special offers you are providing. You can also build dialogue with your clients by inviting them to leave comments about your service on social networking sites or on your own website.


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