How to curl long hair & spongy Rod rolling

Great tools are long and spongy Rod rollers to have around if you are attempting to lure your long hair. Curl, long hair with long and spongy Rod roller with the help of a hair and makeup artist in this free video clip.

Hi, I'm Danielle Valiente, hair and beauty expert, and I'll share with you how to curl long hair with sponge rollers with products, tools, and technology. We begin. So begin a soft sculpting spray gel in his hair, a little saturation create too much, just a bit. Now can you these roles from wet to dry. You could a little with spray gel to saturate or do it on dry hair. The strength of the cURL becomes stronger, the hair is more wet. So, with a spray gel, we are just a little moisture, creating the page first starting in the lower section and then we will alternate between two different sizes of sponge rollers. We start with the bigger sponge roller in the ground. About halfway, place the roller in the hair horizontally, wrap the end to and storing them above under roller the roller sponge on the scalp. Then take the roller and twist, cross the ends and that will keep only the roller directly in the village. And we are in the next section to move up. Now again, you will hold when the hair is a bit more wet, a stronger, to get the rotation, if you miss it below or apply it to dry hair as shown here. You're going to less strength in the rotation. A heating appliance such as a hair dryer or dryer hood you can really help the rotation. So, halfway, tucking the packaging ends up and under, rolled and then twist the roller. Our last section at the top sponge roll with the big wrap and the roller down and then twist it held into place. And if you rotate it, it stays just right in place such as those. So, when you are finished, you must allow natural dry a whole head of this sponge roll where you really record can get your hair dryer to help the curls or you even are. And that is, how long hair with sponge rollers to curl.

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