How to Make Straight Quotations in Word

Making straight quotations in Word can be accomplished by importing the quote using the appropriate tool. Make straight quotations in Word with help from an experienced web developer in this free video clip.

Hi, I'm Christina Chiu. I'm a Computer Web Specialist and today, I'm going to show you on how to make straight quotations using Microsoft Word. Now, I'm going to open up Microsoft Word here and I'm going to import a dummy sentence like, Christina says "hello". And as you can see, right when I used quotations, they automatically made them into smart quotations. Now, if I want to change this, I simply go to file, select options and inside your options, menus like proofing and underneath your auto correct options, click on auto correct options so that you could change the auto correct within Microsoft Word. And inside your auto correct options, select auto format as you type and un-select this box that says straight quotes with smart quotes. So, select that box, unchecked that box and click on okay and then click on okay for this one. So, now when you use quotations, now they're straight quotations. So, Cristina says, "hello", and now they're straight quotations. So, that is how you make straight quotations using Microsoft Word. Thank you so much for your time; my name is Christina Chiu.

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