How to Layer Curly Hair Without Making It Poofy

Just because you're layering your hair doesn't mean it will end up poofy. Layer curly hair without making it poofy with help from a hair and makeup artist in this free video clip.

Hi, my name is Danielle Valiente and I'm here at Atmosphere Salon. I'm one of the owners here at Atmosphere and today we're going to share with you how to cut layers into curly hair. So there's some things you're going to need to keep in mind first and that is the tools and products that you're using. First you're definitely going to want a comb, you're going to need a pair of shears and then some clips to section and hold the hair. Now before you start, it's always a good idea to show up to your hair appointment with your hair already curly and this is going to give the stylist a really great idea of what your hair already looks like for the styling so that they can cut it dry and give you that perfect cut to complement your curls and your head shape and the shape of the curl, the way the shape of the curls are going to fall. So with that being said, arrive to your appointment, cleanse your hair with a moisturizing shampoo and conditioner to really seal that moisture into the hair and then it's always a good idea to also add a leave-in conditioner into the hair and what the leave-in conditioner is going to do is provide you with some nice soft bouncy curls rather than applying a gel so that when you arrive to the appointment, the hair is very workable and not too stiff. So with that being said, let's get started. When cutting the hair curly and dry, you definitely want to come in and take circular sections around the head shape. So starting in the front you're just going to take little circles. You can separate it into two half moon sections if that's a little bit easier for clipping the hair and then just clip that hair up and out of the way and then working that exact same section on the other side and clip that hair out of the way. Now when you look at it, it's a perfectly rounded section that follows the head shape and you're just going to come through with your shears and determining where you want to cut based on where that weight needs to be removed, you're just going to take a little section of hair and working off of the curl pattern you always want to cut where the curl forms. So you would just take your shear and just slide cut that hair right at where the curl forms and why we do that is because what happens is as you move around the head shape and you cut those curls like that all of the curls tend to start to bounce off of one another and they lay a lot more complementary next to one another. So following that exact same cutting pattern, we're then going to work around, follow the curl pattern and cut right at the curl pattern, just slide cutting right through, continuing to work all the way around the head shape, leaving spaces in between all the way around. Now as you move up this is a really important tip. You'll take down your next section, just as you did the first but the difference between how you're going to cut here is you want to cut in a brick lay formation and if you don't know what brick lay means, it means if you have two pieces that you cut underneath, your next section that you cut, you want to be in between those two. So if the two pieces underneath that we cut and it's kind of a visual thing, you have to visualize this as you're cutting the curly hair, our next section that we would cut would then be right here and by cutting in that brick lay fashion, it really allows those curls to fall at different lengths which will provide you with a shape that's not triangular or too blunt and then we would slide cut right into where that curl pattern forms. We would continue to work all the way around following that same cutting section, all the way around to the other side and throughout this haircut you'll just keep working all the way up your little circle that you've created until you get to the very top and that's where you'll complete. Now, when you've completed the entire haircut, you can then come through and add some detail around the face, often times our curly haired guests they want some pieces around the face and that you just want to detail just like you do the rest of the haircut, just working little sections around the face, cutting out the curl, giving that detail right where it needs it, creating some of those face framing layers right where it needs it, coming around to the other side and just creating a little bit of balance here so wherever you cut on the other side, try to match so they mimic. They don't have to be exact but somewhat similar and just slide cutting all the way through. What you'll find when you cut the hair in this manner, is that the balance of the hair cut is so much more complementary. It eliminates you having a shelf from pulling the hair up and cutting it blunt straight up then all that hair falls and then those curls just sit in a shelf often times in the back of the head shape. So this is going to give you just a more beautiful free flowing curl throughout the head shape. It's a little bit more cutting according to feel or seeing where that weight needs to be distributed and that will give you a much more beautiful end result. And there you have it, how to layer curly hair.

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