How long tease hair to give height

Her long teasing hair is a good way, there is some extra height. You will learn how long hair to give to tease it with the help of a hair and makeup artist in this free video clip.

Hi, I'm Danielle Valiente, expert, and I'll show hair and beauty how long hair to tease and height give products, tools, and techniques. We begin. First front away so, cut from the back, and clip the front hair out of the way. And then, we come in the back and small Horseshoe take sections in the back, start in the Crown at the top. And the collection is the key to how much volume that you want to display. So, if you want a lot of volume, would increase above higher or even past the hair at 90 degrees. So, we are to a little bit of spray - and this is a finishing spray used we - spray it at a distance. And then, we take our Crest and an angle of 45 degree RUCHE and ruffle not easily teased to a create effect in the front - more directly below in the base. And then we are in the next section to take. We follow this technique all the way in the occipital bone. The occipital bone is the bone which is right at the back of the head of the curve. We go to RUCHE and place the hair to front. So, let's take another section, spray, and increasing, and RUCHE forward. Now, let all this hair come back and then gently we will use to soften our Crest and smoothing the ruffles that we have created. So we get this lift in there. Now, we want the pages, the pages to integrate. So, take a diagonal section and the pages that cut hair out of the way and up, follow the same process. Little spray. Little elevation - not quite as much as the ruffle top - and only the hair gently. And we have only about one or two sections on the sides to do only to create this volume at the bottom. And if we move to the other side, we take a different section of the diagonal to increase the hair. And if you tease, if you do a diagonal section, you want to ensure that that you RUCHE the hair after the same diagonal section as the section, that you actually took. So, we are then smooth down. Delete the upper part over, really only so that we have the little height, we're looking for. And then you can your finishing spray to detail and give only that the Polish look that it needs. And the little flyaways to smooth out. And to tease so long hair and give it height is.

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