How to Get Curls With Medium-Long Hair

Getting curls with medium to long hair is a lot more straightforward of a process than you might be assuming. Get curls with medium long hair with help from a professional hair stylist in this free video clip.

Hi, my name is Christine Lowe and I am a Hairstylist at Birds and Fellas Salon in the hip and trendy East Village. Today, I'm going to show you how to make curls in long hair. So, you start off by taking a parting, you section the hair off to the side but it doesn't have to be of straight parting so it, the curls can look more natural. Then you take a brush and you just brush out all the tangles out of the hair and then, you use a finishing spray. I like to use It's A Ten 'cause it has such a great hold and you just spray along the hair. Then, you take a quarter inch section; so today I'm using a one-inch curling iron and you just grab the hair and wrap it around and start curling. And you want to be careful that there are no fish tails which means the little hairs that are hanging out of the curling iron. You want it all tucked inside. Also, you want to keep the curls off base. And you hold the curling iron, say an inch away from the scalp and you can hold it for about ten seconds. Then, you can just drop the curl in your hand and hold and then you clip the curl using a duck clip. And we do this because the curl can cool down when you're finished throughout the hair so it can fall into a perfect curl. Then, we're going to go throughout the hair. Okay. So, I'm onto my last curl and you can continue curling, so just wrapping around making sure there's no fish tails, also keeping it away from the base. And then you hold it for ten seconds and release. Then you clip with the duck clip. So, for extra hold, I just like to give it one more round of hairspray. And then you let the hair cool for about a minute. And then once you're done letting the curls cool, you take out the duck clips and just let the curls drop. Once you're done, you just comb the curls through with your fingers and then just kind of scrunch them up a bit. And that is how you make medium curls in long hair.

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How to give hair beautiful waves with a ponytail

A ponytail is a good way to get these beautiful waves in the hair that you want. Give your hair beautiful waves with a ponytail with help from a professional hair stylist in this free video clip.

Day together. I am hairdresser, Amanda Shackleton, and today I'll show you how you beautiful waves with a ponytail. I am long gone and teased back up the rear part of the hair here and pulled, most of the hair in a low ponytail as follows. The reason why is because I wanted to make it in a breeder ponytail and I think I did add something, something tease back here, it makes more interesting most definitely are looking for. What you want to do is small sections of hair from the front next throw and just wrap it around the barrel of your device, just like that. You need not even open the barrel. You need not even have to use your fingers, give a quick breaks, so it is there a nice way like the wavy structure. We make a few more pieces and then I show a trick you to really make this look pretty and ready. It is a really nice style to the also go out in the evening. Okay, so let's make our last piece, wrap it. When I drum wraps it around, like me in direction from the face, so if we are going to pull it back it just naturally moves in this direction perfectly. I'll continue with a little shine spray and give it some shine. This will help to some of the flyaways way and it just a little bit handy appearance make, and then we will take a piece of hair, just give it a little twist as the some to preserve texture and the sides of the hair, they kill on the side of the ponytail, go ahead and pin in and this be not perfect by any means. It may just kind of pulled back, twisted, fixed, where you want it, because it should be loose and messy. We come to take another piece, more pin and we the front let one below because I think it looks really nice with the hairstyle and let's go ' s. Thats it, just a few steps and you have a really beautiful ponytail. I'm Amanda Shackleton, hairdresser from

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How long tease hair to give height

Her long teasing hair is a good way, there is some extra height. You will learn how long hair to give to tease it with the help of a hair and makeup artist in this free video clip.

Hi, I'm Danielle Valiente, expert, and I'll show hair and beauty how long hair to tease and height give products, tools, and techniques. We begin. First front away so, cut from the back, and clip the front hair out of the way. And then, we come in the back and small Horseshoe take sections in the back, start in the Crown at the top. And the collection is the key to how much volume that you want to display. So, if you want a lot of volume, would increase above higher or even past the hair at 90 degrees. So, we are to a little bit of spray - and this is a finishing spray used we - spray it at a distance. And then, we take our Crest and an angle of 45 degree RUCHE and ruffle not easily teased to a create effect in the front - more directly below in the base. And then we are in the next section to take. We follow this technique all the way in the occipital bone. The occipital bone is the bone which is right at the back of the head of the curve. We go to RUCHE and place the hair to front. So, let's take another section, spray, and increasing, and RUCHE forward. Now, let all this hair come back and then gently we will use to soften our Crest and smoothing the ruffles that we have created. So we get this lift in there. Now, we want the pages, the pages to integrate. So, take a diagonal section and the pages that cut hair out of the way and up, follow the same process. Little spray. Little elevation - not quite as much as the ruffle top - and only the hair gently. And we have only about one or two sections on the sides to do only to create this volume at the bottom. And if we move to the other side, we take a different section of the diagonal to increase the hair. And if you tease, if you do a diagonal section, you want to ensure that that you RUCHE the hair after the same diagonal section as the section, that you actually took. So, we are then smooth down. Delete the upper part over, really only so that we have the little height, we're looking for. And then you can your finishing spray to detail and give only that the Polish look that it needs. And the little flyaways to smooth out. And to tease so long hair and give it height is.

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How to Remove Hair Removal Wax From a Curling Iron

If hair removal wax gets onto your curling iron, don't worry - you have options. Remove hair removal wax from a curling iron with help from a licensed cosmetologist in this free video clip.

I'm Camilla Terrell. I'm a master cosmetologist, and the owner of Envision Salon, Spa, and Hair and Nails. And today, I'm going to walk you through a few curly hair tutorials. I want to show you how to remove wax from your curling iron. I take - you see the wax buildup on our iron - I take 100 percent acetone, and I apply it to a cloth. And, as if I was removing nails from a nail bed - fake nails - I'm going to actually apply this wax to this cloth. Now that the acetone is on the cloth, we want to massage this acetone onto this curling iron as much as possible. You can see how it begins to remove the wax. Based on how much you have on there, continue to massage that wax into that acetone that's on your cloth. And, you may have to go back and place some more, but you see it's removing the wax. So, I'm pouring a little more acetone, and I'm going to hold it down, and I'm going to massage it. I'm just holding it for a few seconds, allowing it to dissolve. And, you can see where we remove the wax from the iron.

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The Procedure for How to Curl Hair

Curling your hair at home requires you to follow a very specific procedure. Learn about the procedure for how to curl hair with help from an independent hair and makeup artist in this free video clip.

Monae Everette here from Today, I'm going to show you the proper procedure for curling your hair. The first thing you want to do is spray a heat protectant. The next, section the hair, most people like to start at the front or the back, it's completely up to you whichever place you like to start. Clip away the remainder of the hair that you're not working with and make a subsection. Next, taking your curling iron, you want to slowly, starting at the root, wind the hair around the curling iron. You can also use the end of your comb to smooth the hair around the curling iron. When the hair is warm all the way through, let go and there is a curl for you. Next, move onto the second subsection. Starting at the top, wrap the hair around the curling iron and keep feeding in more of the hair towards the ends. When the hair is warm all the way through, let it go. Once you get to the hairline, you want to make sure to lift the hair, smooth out your edges if need be and make sure to wrap the hair around the curling iron at the root. It's really important to do this at the hairline because it gives you the design around your face and most people will be paying attention to your face. Monae Everett for You've just learned the proper procedure for how to curl your hair.

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Tame thick, bulky hair

Taming thick, you must be voluminous hair very careful when brushing, to avoid damage. Here you will find thick to tame voluminous hair with help from a professional hair stylist in this free video clip.

Hi all, I am a hairdresser, Amanda Shackleton, and today I'll show you how thick to tame voluminous hair. If you work, that's very very thick and sometimes frizzy hair or on the coarse side you have to be very careful when you clean it out are, because there are a lot of nodes in it. I take only small sections with my flat brush and brush it is only through works such as the mostly at the ends. Once I've done that and I have brushed it anywhere through and I have at the end by all nodes, I go ahead and I something with that kinda halfway between a pomade and a wax, take a little texture and a bit oily, but it's not heavy oil I put in her hair and I am only little at my finger tips smallthat surrounded him in my hand a motion and go ahead and bring them to the ends of the hair. I occupy again it through the ends, so that it is evenly distributed and then just take the brush brush bit more and go to work ahead and in this baby-pieces on the front of the hair and some of the flyaways on the top. And there go you see the difference between the before and after. I'm Amanda Shackleton, a hairdresser from

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How to do finger waves on short hair

Need to do finger waves on short hair, you start with a beautiful, deep side part. To do finger waves on short hair with the help of a professional and experienced hair stylist in this free video clip.

Hi, I'm Michelle Simone and I'm a hairdresser. Today I'll show you how finger to do waves on short hair. So, I begin with a side part beautiful, deep in the hair. And I'll start with wet hair, usually wet, towel dry, make it; s no longer drips. And what you do, then, is a good amount of pomade to add. I have this nice, thick one of Redkin, but to what ever you like pomade. You'll rub it in your fingertips, so that non-units in the hair leaving it, and who run the fingers through the hair. When one has a good amount of the product, because this style a lot keep required. If you prefer, you can also gel. Take your comb and only by combing, make you sure it distributed about evenly. And where we are not the side of the part, to do the wave. So, the first step to your hair is comb the way to forward. The rest of the hair on the back can leave starting at the Crown of the head. But all your hair completely should be combed forward, and this is to launch the first wave. So, one that you have, that this is where the finger part of the finger goes. So, turn upside down, you'll pout to leave two fingers here, hold tight you really. Because what you want is the first section to go straight down. And then will you to assume your comb and a swooping moves, to start, keep your hair, hair back combing. You get a full, your hair so you'll move over your fingers, and to keep you well. This will try that to keep the shaft in place. And then you're going to do the same. Combing your hair after forward gently, so you not the wave pull out from the time before and then add a finger. At this point it helps sometimes, keep adding a few clips to your hair in position, or get a friend to each section of hair you hold. Once you that have this section down and start combing again backwards. Make sure that you remove, you just created not the shaft. They hold start combing and plan. And you'll that out until you reach your ear, like this. And also this piece in place, you can pin, or you can just let it go. And once you have the waves that you like you can either it with a hairdryer. Or you can wait, until your hair is perfectly set and then remove the clips. If you want to, you can do the same on the opposite side of your hair, your hair. And then bring your hair over a shoulder, or you allow one such as you want, but that was ' s. So, this is finger waves for shorter hair.

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How to Layer Curly Hair Without Making It Poofy

Just because you're layering your hair doesn't mean it will end up poofy. Layer curly hair without making it poofy with help from a hair and makeup artist in this free video clip.

Hi, my name is Danielle Valiente and I'm here at Atmosphere Salon. I'm one of the owners here at Atmosphere and today we're going to share with you how to cut layers into curly hair. So there's some things you're going to need to keep in mind first and that is the tools and products that you're using. First you're definitely going to want a comb, you're going to need a pair of shears and then some clips to section and hold the hair. Now before you start, it's always a good idea to show up to your hair appointment with your hair already curly and this is going to give the stylist a really great idea of what your hair already looks like for the styling so that they can cut it dry and give you that perfect cut to complement your curls and your head shape and the shape of the curl, the way the shape of the curls are going to fall. So with that being said, arrive to your appointment, cleanse your hair with a moisturizing shampoo and conditioner to really seal that moisture into the hair and then it's always a good idea to also add a leave-in conditioner into the hair and what the leave-in conditioner is going to do is provide you with some nice soft bouncy curls rather than applying a gel so that when you arrive to the appointment, the hair is very workable and not too stiff. So with that being said, let's get started. When cutting the hair curly and dry, you definitely want to come in and take circular sections around the head shape. So starting in the front you're just going to take little circles. You can separate it into two half moon sections if that's a little bit easier for clipping the hair and then just clip that hair up and out of the way and then working that exact same section on the other side and clip that hair out of the way. Now when you look at it, it's a perfectly rounded section that follows the head shape and you're just going to come through with your shears and determining where you want to cut based on where that weight needs to be removed, you're just going to take a little section of hair and working off of the curl pattern you always want to cut where the curl forms. So you would just take your shear and just slide cut that hair right at where the curl forms and why we do that is because what happens is as you move around the head shape and you cut those curls like that all of the curls tend to start to bounce off of one another and they lay a lot more complementary next to one another. So following that exact same cutting pattern, we're then going to work around, follow the curl pattern and cut right at the curl pattern, just slide cutting right through, continuing to work all the way around the head shape, leaving spaces in between all the way around. Now as you move up this is a really important tip. You'll take down your next section, just as you did the first but the difference between how you're going to cut here is you want to cut in a brick lay formation and if you don't know what brick lay means, it means if you have two pieces that you cut underneath, your next section that you cut, you want to be in between those two. So if the two pieces underneath that we cut and it's kind of a visual thing, you have to visualize this as you're cutting the curly hair, our next section that we would cut would then be right here and by cutting in that brick lay fashion, it really allows those curls to fall at different lengths which will provide you with a shape that's not triangular or too blunt and then we would slide cut right into where that curl pattern forms. We would continue to work all the way around following that same cutting section, all the way around to the other side and throughout this haircut you'll just keep working all the way up your little circle that you've created until you get to the very top and that's where you'll complete. Now, when you've completed the entire haircut, you can then come through and add some detail around the face, often times our curly haired guests they want some pieces around the face and that you just want to detail just like you do the rest of the haircut, just working little sections around the face, cutting out the curl, giving that detail right where it needs it, creating some of those face framing layers right where it needs it, coming around to the other side and just creating a little bit of balance here so wherever you cut on the other side, try to match so they mimic. They don't have to be exact but somewhat similar and just slide cutting all the way through. What you'll find when you cut the hair in this manner, is that the balance of the hair cut is so much more complementary. It eliminates you having a shelf from pulling the hair up and cutting it blunt straight up then all that hair falls and then those curls just sit in a shelf often times in the back of the head shape. So this is going to give you just a more beautiful free flowing curl throughout the head shape. It's a little bit more cutting according to feel or seeing where that weight needs to be distributed and that will give you a much more beautiful end result. And there you have it, how to layer curly hair.

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How to do a finger wave hairstyle

A finger wave hairstyle styling requires no expensive trip down the Salon. Style-a finger wave hairstyle with the help of a licensed professional hair stylist in this free video clip.

Hello, my name is Stephanie Haynes, and I'll show you how a finger to do wave-style. Now is what I show you the old-school finger wave style. A relaxer doesn't she the model, so I give her on her hair, the traditional finger-wave with gel may not gel. So, we'll do a dry finger wave to her. So is what I have done I have lured the upper part of her hair and we soothe it and we start the finger wave form. Now looks as their lure it out have combed all out, but they do not have. The form is still in it. So, we are the wave to form. Now, what we have to do is form, shape and spray and spray. Now, after they become I we need to make sure spray, that the wave always have stays in there, if you have in this way that waves do always a curling iron is hot because if you spray, you'll turn to heating so can some remain in this wave, because this is a dry finger wave. These are the kind of finger waves, you used to see as in the 40s and 50s. It is always important to make sure that you have the Ridge, which is how the most beautiful part of the wave finger sure makes that you have this Ridge. You want to put not too shallow. So at this point we take the heat and go down and you can see form the shaft here. We are the next Ridge to do and what we are doing is only the upper part of her hair to go and to make sure that, if you start with the next section, you would fill it that in the previous sweeping part of the hair spray. OK You repeat the process by all at the bottom of the hair, or to the upper parameters and then curl the rest of it or put what you want in your hair, remember to make the ridges and make sure that you put the heat it accessories. When you have finished, if you're going, the waves on the forehead, you can back your curling iron and lay it down and then when you want to see it a little bit and then you are set as you just a little hairpin it, just to make sure that that in remains. But again, my name is Stephanie Haynes and I was not relaxed to do how to style a finger wave on dry hair only to you.

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Painless Way to Comb Tangles Out of Hair

Painless Way to Comb Tangles Out of Hair thumbnail Hold the hair in one hand as you gently comb the tangles out with the other hand. var containerWidth = parseInt($('.Grid8').css('width'), 10);$('.articlePhoto img').bind('load', function() {var img = $(this);var w = img.width();if (w Having long, lustrous locks is the envy of many women, but long hair isn't without its drawbacks, one of which is tangles. Windy weather, nighttime tossing and turning and shampooing can all cause tangles, which can be a frustrating and painful problem to solve. Keep a few tricks in your back pocket to painlessly remove tangles when they strike, and keep your long locks looking smooth and glamorous. Does this Spark an idea?


Separate a small section of hair at the front of your head and secure the rest of your hair in a clip at the back of your head.


Slide your fingers down the shaft of hair that you sectioned off, beginning towards the ends and alternating between the fingers of the right and the left hand. Use your nails to apply light pressure; if they catch on a tangle, don't stop -- continue stroking the section of hair, gently loosening the knots.


Stroke higher and higher on the section of hair as the knots towards the end begin to loosen. Don't pull too hard on the hair to avoid breaking the hair or causing pain.


Pick up your wide-tooth comb with one hand and firmly hold the section of hair about midway up with your other hand. Carefully begin to comb the ends of the hair with a light, quick touch. Holding the hair firmly will prevent pulling on the scalp should the comb snag on a tangle.


Shift your grip on the section of hair higher up as you continue to gently release the tangles with your wide-tooth comb. At the very top of the hair section, use your fingertips to grip smaller sections of hair as you comb to avoid pulling on the scalp.


Comb through the entire section of hair.


Pin the combed section of hair to the side, and separate another section of hair.


Repeat Steps 2 through 6 with the new section of hair and subsequent sections of hair until all the tangles are released.

Apply a spray-on shine enhancer and comb it through the hair after detangling. Secure your hair in the wind or while sleeping to prevent tangles.

Use a conditioner after shampooing to prevent tangles.

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Tricks for air dry your hair

Your hair not uncomfortable long time take air dry. Find out about tricks, while air drying your hair can take up for a good cause with help from a professional hair stylist in this free video clip.

Day together. I am a hairdresser Amanda Shackleton, and today I will show you some tricks how to dry your hair without a blow dryer. So what I like to do is, remove the hair only small sections on the back. Give a little gel spray and then just scrunch it up with fingers just. Think also kneading and kneading. I take it and just kind of bring mean round as just the air through the hair finger to let go. And while he does that, it goes dry the hair at the roots and then work your way all the way down. Ok. Take only another section, down like the income sections. You want to take a middle section not to small sizes, or it takes forever and if you make it too big, it will take too long to dry. So take another section, give him a quick spritz. Kind of fluff when up in your fingers just as little a. Give it a little shake from the root through the air. And only after further below. Now when you get to the top, you want to make sure because you want to get a little bit of the point at the top, want to make sure, to a little bit of the gel directly to the roots. And then again with your hands just kind of move it again. Another trick you can do to turn around the head. Flip it over really quickly, give it a good shake and shake them back. But, every few minutes with your fingers to type of fluff of your hair a little bit like that and really work, so that the air to the roots can reach the roots. And your hair dries really, really natural and really, really nice and you are not to be feared, the heat from a hair dryer on the hair. I'm Amanda Shackleton from NY bridal beauty and I have shown just that dry air you your hair.

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How to Style Extra Long Hair

Extra long hair is great because it naturally lends itself to being styled in a wide variety of different, gorgeous ways. Style extra long hair with help from a professional hair stylist in this free video clip.

Hi. My name is Christine Lowe and I am a hairstylist at Birds and Fellas Salon, located in the hip and trendy East Village. Today, I am going to show you how to style extra long hair. So the style that we are doing is called a French twist. And you want to make sure the hair is brushed out from all tangles. It's also good to do this hairstyle in unwashed hair so it can hold better. For the front, you're just going to make a parting on the side right here. And just leave all the hair from in front of the hair open and separate the rest back. So, we're going to start off by brushing all the hair over to the side. And so to hold the hair a little better, you can use a little finishing spray. Spray a little. And then with the fine tooth of the comb, an extra long bobby pin and we'll just move the hair over to the side. And when you do that, just pin it. And you keep pinning it. It'll take a couple of bobby pins to just hold the hair. You could do some bobby pins up or you could do some bobby pins opposite down. And then you want to do one to secure the top. After we have this area pinned, you want to sweep over the hair in a rolled formation. So, you'll definitely need some holding spray for those loose pieces of hair. With the comb again, just brush over. Now, when you have the hair out like this, you can just start rolling it. Once you get the first roll, you want to grab a bobby pin, just clip it right in there. Just keep rolling the hair, keep rolling the hair all the way to the top. Sometimes you can leave the top out just curl it if you want, more of an adorable style. And you can also put a bobby pin in the top if you choose not to leave it open. And spray some more hairspray. Just comb down. I'm going to add another bobby pin just for extra hold. For this one I'm going to use a short bobby pin. Now for this side, you can either leave this part out and curl it, or you can bring it back. So, again you're going to need more holding spray. And you can just sweep it over the roll. And you just pin the hair down inside so the bobby pin doesn't show. And this is how you style extra long hair.

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5-Minute Hairstyles for School

Putting together a hairstyle for school doesn't have to monopolize all of your time in the morning. Learn about five-minute hairstyles for school with help from a licensed hair stylist in this free video clip.

Hello, my name is Tenisha, and I'm going to speak to you today about five-minute hairdos before you go to school. So, everybody wakes up about ten minutes behalf, before you have to go to school and you want to spend as least time as possible for a quick hairdo; but you still want to loo cute. So, the style you want to quote, I'm going to show you today is going to require one rubber brand, two braids; two. You're going to section your hair behind a bang if you have a bang and you're going to do a three-strand braid, very simple. Hold the hair up in an angle, take three strands; you're going to braid the hair all the way to the bottom on each side of the head. You're just going to braid it down, all the way down. Actually, if you don't want to braid it all the way down when you're pressing for time, you can stop it in the middle. Maybe take a bobby pin and pin it, in case you have straight hair so it doesn't come off. You're going to take the same amount of hair on the other side and you're going to do the same type of braid, three strands, hold it up in an angle, braid it as far down as you feel comfortable with or do it halfway down. And then, what you're going to do is you're going to get a regular rubber band; you can get a black rubber band or a colored rubber band. I'm going to take both of the braids and you're going to put them together. Take a black rubber band and you're going to secure them close to the top and then you have a simple hairstyle that's perfect for school. Look how beautiful. Less than five minutes. My name is Tenisha and I've answered your question about how to have a five-minute hairstyle before school.

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How to Style a Carrie Bradshaw Bun

Carrie Bradshaw is a character popularized on the HBO television show "Sex in the City." Style a Carrie Bradshaw bun with help from a hair stylist in this free video clip.

Hi, my name is Claire Coleman. I'm a hair stylist, and I'm going to show you how to do a Carrie Bradshaw bun. First thing we're going to do is we're going to start with our hair in a very high ponytail. I'm going to take my teasing comb and work section by section and just start teasing like crazy. And we're going to hold your section and tease from the root to almost the ends of the hair. Like that. And we're just going to tease and tease and tease all of your hair and it's really best to start from the root going to the ends, it makes it a lot easier to brush out when you're done with your hair style so that you don't have a big bird's nest the next day or even that night. This makes it a lot, a lot easier. Now the reason for teasing is we really want to create a really voluminous bun. It's going to be nice, big and round and just sit on the top of the head. Also while you're teasing, try and make sure to over direct the hair so you want to go a little bit farther on your head than where you would normally put it. It's just recreating the place that everything is going to be. Almost there. One last section. OK we have a giant poof ball. So now you're going to just take the poof ball and just start wrapping it smoothing it out and creating a smaller poof ball but still on the top of the head. You're going to get a really good volume shape here and the teasing really helps to form that. So you're just kind of wrapping it the same way you would a bun but just be really careful. This look is still really messy but it looks really great when you tease it up big like that. And once you get the shape that you want, just tuck the ends in and you're just going to pin it to secure the hair. Be careful not to push in too far like I did, because then you create a bump. A little indent. So you want to just be careful. Sometimes doing a little horizontal pinning is good because then you can just still maintain the shape. Now this style will pretty much stay because it's really not going anywhere. And just keep checking your shape, make sure it looks even on both sides. Tuck in any loose ends. There we go. From the back. From the front. My name is Claire Coleman, and I just showed you how to do a Carrie Bradshaw bun.

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DIY vintage Hair Combs

Vintage hair comb is easy, as long as you use any kind of comb for its intended purpose. Learn about do it yourself vintage Hair Combs with help from a professional hair stylist in this free video clip.

Hi all, I am a hairdresser, Amanda Shackleton, and now will I show you make like a DIY antique hair comb or do-it-yourself hair comb. This is a comb that I bought from the store and much of the time these Combs are very very nice, but when buying Combs can vintage they will be very expensive. So what I suggest you do, is go only in your local craft store and buy a ridge that looks like this, slide, combs, and they just a tip, the wire, which Combs are actually much easier, put in your hair, as the plastic wide teeth because they are much thinner in the hair easier. These come in various lengths. This I believe is a four inch. They can buy them three, two inches, inches five in so really, you get the character of a database that you want to and then go ahead and add on the decorations, you know how you want. I found this cute little kind of hair and I'll just kind of wind, the she in the crest, and then they only go as the place and we go and they just continue to keep, only add them one at a time. You can out space them, as you want to. You can also go on and get these small flowers if you want. They come on a string type, all you do is cut flowers and you can get it with a little glue to stick it and you can also an antique broach, find things, at flea markets and they are very beautiful and they are very, very, very cheap and everything, what I do is take the PIN on the back and only put it across the ridge and then go ahead and close it give and until you go, you have your comb. So I will continue to make and show how you put it in your hair, then on the page, only one kind of dig it in it, it will go and turn the head, and you're going to have your DIY comb. I'm from NY Amanda Shackleton bridal beauty.

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The Center styles long hair parted down

Many different long hairstyles you need your hair right in the middle part. Inquire about long hair parted the medium hairstyles with help from a professional hair stylist in this free video clip.

Day together. I am a hairdresser, Amanda Shackleton, and today I'll show you to do a hairstyle if you have long hair and you want it in the middle part. I love this style, it is very very nice and it is very very easy. The first thing you want to do is in your hair in the Middle, make sure it is even part of a nice and then only we take this back section of hair again here, lift it a little and there a little tease. You know that it is really important, if you keep the hair in this direction but all hair not to tease and then give it a tease tease are. That is, what is actually going on, to give a nice base and nice lift from the root. As soon as those who have done just go ahead and take it down, give him a nice brush over and then we start at the front of the hair. We take these pieces in the front and do only a little twist and how we turn we pick up a little more hair at a time. So what will happen is that we come to, stop with the hair like the just among the part of hair, teased we give it the Bobby PIN to secure. We go on and do the other side, put a PIN in it, turn around, give him a quick Bush through with your comb. Would you like a comb, which looks like this to use, which is a wide tooth comb, because you don't want that curl to much brushing. You don't want it, you want it like a bit messier and a bit piecier on the search and then once you have done that I finish it with a little Hairspray, make stuff, really this small spray girl pieces at the front. And there you go, a cute hairstyle, and you have if you have long hair it would be in the middle part. I am hairdresser, Amanda Shackleton for NY bridal beauty.

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Styling Long Hair so It Does Not Hang in the Face

Just because you have long hair doesn't mean it has to hang in your face all day long. Style your long hair so that it doesn't hang in your face with help from an experienced and accomplished hairdresser in this free video clip.

Hi, my name is Claire. I’m a hairdresser. I’m going to show you how to style long hair so it does not hang into your face. So, what I’m going to be using is a beach wave spray, a curling iron. And, we’re going to start with the beach wave spray and just do a couple spritzes. You don’t need to do too much, it’s just going to help put a little bit of texture into your hair. And then, just take your fingers and kind of run it through, make sure that it is all the way through all of your hair. Then, you’re going to just take sections of your hair and do a rope curl. So, you’re going to open up your iron, and take your section, and just wrap your hair around the barrel, wrapping and twisting around the barrel. Hold it there for a few seconds, and then just let it drop. Now, you want to direct the hair to go away from your face, towards the back of your head. So, inserting it into the barrel, and then wrapping away, just like that. Then, we’re going to do a couple on the other side. Wrap away from your face, twist it, and let it drop. Just keep following that technique, and then your hair will go away from your face pretty easily – it’ll start getting into that direction. And then, we’re just going to take a couple bobby pins, and with the front section of hair you’re just going to start to twist a little bit. Just keep it nice and smooth. And then, just grab little pieces of your hair to add onto it. Keep twisting. I like to keep a little bit on top of the ear free. Just keep twisting. And, once it seems to you how far back you want it to go, then just secure that with a bobby pin. Sometimes, I like to take another bobby pin and just cross over top to make sure that it stays very secure. If you feel like touching up curls with your curling iron after you do that, go ahead and do so. I’m going to do one right here. Same technique – twist and wrap away from the face. Let it drop. Then, on the other side, the hair’s already going away from your face, there you can see on the side. Then, you have a cute little style. My name is Claire, and this is how you can style your hair so that it doesn’t hang into your face.

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How to Make Hair in Zbrush

How to Make Hair in Zbrush thumbnail Zbrush is often used to produce video game models. var containerWidth = parseInt($('.Grid8').css('width'), 10);$('.articlePhoto img').bind('load', function() {var img = $(this);var w = img.width();if (w Zbrush is a digital sculpting tool that combines 3-D modeling with painting and texturing to produce high-resolution models for use in animations, games and movies. This program is an industry standard and has been used by a range of high-end movie production companies. When used correctly, Zbrush is capable of rendering not just the models, but also their hair, clothing and other accessories.


Prepare the model. Open the pre-existing head model in Zbrush. Use the Sphereinder3D primitive tool to create a hair base. Select the “Tool” menu, followed by “Initialize.” Set the Coverage to 270. Select “Deformation” from the “Tool” menu and highlight the Z axis only, setting "Rotate" to 45. In the “Tool” menu, choose “Subtool” and “Append.” This should apply a rough cylinder shape to the top of the head.


Shape the hair. Select the “Snakehook” brush and set the stroke to “Dots.” Use this brush to pull and push the hair, stretching it away from the base. Work on creating a general hair shape rather than applying many details at this stage.


Redistribute the mesh. Select the “Nudge” and “Smooth” brushes. Even out the distorted areas of the mesh to prevent areas from being excessively sparse or dense.


Add details. Using the “Standard” and “Pinch” brushes with stroke set to “Freehand” with LazyMouse on and a mouse average of 4, create grooves and ridges in the hair shape. Work from large to small, focusing on the overall masses of the hair rather than individual strands.


Apply strands. Select the “Zsphere” tool and choose “Rigging.” Select the hair base you just finished. Choose “Topology,” and then press “Edit Topology.” Click across the hair base to create individual strands that sit independently of the base. When you have finished an individual strand, type “E,” click on the parent shape and type “Q.” Then draw a few more strands.


Shape the strands. Under “Topology,” choose “Convert to Main” and deselect “Edit Topology” to make the strands appear. Choose “Scale” and hold the “Alt” key while clicking and dragging your pointer to the right across the stem between the strands. Scale individual segments of the strand to give it a tapering look. Append the strands to the head by selecting “Rigging” and pressing “Delete” to add all the strands to the Subtools.


Refine strands. Carve fine textural lines into each of the strands to give them greater depth. Experiment with line size and positioning to produce the best result for the type of head you have chosen.


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How to Make Straight Quotations in Word

Making straight quotations in Word can be accomplished by importing the quote using the appropriate tool. Make straight quotations in Word with help from an experienced web developer in this free video clip.

Hi, I'm Christina Chiu. I'm a Computer Web Specialist and today, I'm going to show you on how to make straight quotations using Microsoft Word. Now, I'm going to open up Microsoft Word here and I'm going to import a dummy sentence like, Christina says "hello". And as you can see, right when I used quotations, they automatically made them into smart quotations. Now, if I want to change this, I simply go to file, select options and inside your options, menus like proofing and underneath your auto correct options, click on auto correct options so that you could change the auto correct within Microsoft Word. And inside your auto correct options, select auto format as you type and un-select this box that says straight quotes with smart quotes. So, select that box, unchecked that box and click on okay and then click on okay for this one. So, now when you use quotations, now they're straight quotations. So, Cristina says, "hello", and now they're straight quotations. So, that is how you make straight quotations using Microsoft Word. Thank you so much for your time; my name is Christina Chiu.

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80's Feathered Short Hair Styles

style section Fashion Makeup Hair Skin Men eHowBeauty & Personal CareHair StylingStyle Short Hair80's Feathered Short Hair Styles

80's Feathered Short Hair Styles thumbnail Short hair that is feathered must be cut a certain way or the look won't work. var containerWidth = parseInt($('.Grid8').css('width'), 10);$('.articlePhoto img').bind('load', function() {var img = $(this);var w = img.width();if (w

If everything old really is new again eventually, look for a return of 1980s hairstyles in the future. Two hairstyles dominated the '80s: big hair and feathered hair. To return to the past with the feathered short-hair look, get out your round brush and get your hair cut in layers. Does this Spark an idea?

Small round brushCurling ironHair dryerShow More 1

Visit your favorite hairstyling salon and explain the look you want. If your stylist is too young to remember the 1980s, bring an old family photo or a picture of the short, feathered look from an old magazine. Or look for a picture online. Feathering requires a layered cut, with different lengths at the sides. However, you can't go ultra-short with the feathered look; you need enough hair left on the sides to feather it back.


Watch carefully when your stylist blow-dries your hair so you can copy it at home. Drying with heat is the only way to get the feathered look. If you let your hair air dry, it will hang too limp or flat. Feathering needs a little body to look good. To feather in an '80s style, use a brush you can roll your hair around at least once, and preferably twice. As you dry the layers, roll your hair back, away from your face. Use a curling iron or hot rollers to get the same effect if you can't hold the hair dryer and brush at the same time.


Invest in a good hairspray. The feathered look will stay in place much better with a little help. Spray as lightly as possible to keep your hair in place. Choose a hairspray that doesn't contain ethanol, which dries out your hair.

Too much hairspray will give your hair a dull, rather than a shiny, look, so don't go too heavy.

Invest in a pair of leg warmers to go with your feathered hair look.


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Should You Straighten Your Hair Before You Curl It?

Whether or not you should straighten your hair before you curl it depends entirely on a few key things. Find out if you should straighten your hair before you curl it with help from a hair stylist in this free video clip.

Hi, my name is Claire Coleman. I'm a hair stylist, and I'm going to answer the question of should you straighten your hair before you curl it. There's actually a couple of answers for that question. If your hair is very frizzy, if it's unmanageable, and you want a different curled look than what you have, usually hair that's curled does tend to be a little bit frizzy so it might be a good idea to straighten it out. It's going to seal up your hair shaft and make it easier to manage while you're curling your hair. Also if you have tight curls and you'd like to have more loose waves, definitely straighten it out. That creates more of a foundation for you to be able to build off of that to create the look that you exactly want. If your hair is already straight, you're not going to need to straighten it before hand. So using a straightener to do that is just kind of, it doesn't really make any difference. You're just going to be using your curling iron to get the look that you desire. Basically if you feel that your hair is a little bit on the frizzy side, a straightening iron is really going to help to straighten everything out and make it nice and smooth, and that way your curls will be nice and manageable. My name is Claire Coleman and I just answered the question of should you straighten your hair before you curl it.

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How to Make a Claymation Hair Flip

Discover the expert in you.

How to Make a Claymation Hair Flip thumbnail With creativity and a camera you can turn clay into claymation. var containerWidth = parseInt($('.Grid8').css('width'), 10);$('.articlePhoto img').bind('load', function() {var img = $(this);var w = img.width();if (w Claymation is a type of stop motion animation featuring characters made from synthetic modeling clay. Claymation requires painstaking attention to detail and long periods of time to move individual elements on characters fractions of an inch at a time. Digital still frame pictures are taken after each character movement and strung together for an animated effect. The time and patience required for this art form make it formidable to some, but anyone can learn how to do it, including common moves like making a character flip his hair from one side of his head to the other.

Synthetic modeling clay (cartoon clay)Bendable wireStyrofoam ball16mm camera with single frame shooting capabilityShow More 1

Brainstorm a storyboard for your character’s hair flip. Draw the type of character you want to make out of clay. Depict the character in dozens of boxes, representing the individual frames of your Claymation movie, slowly moving through the motions required to flip his hair from one side of his head to the other.


Build the character out of synthetic, or cartoon, clay. Form the character’s right or left arm, whichever you choose to perform the hair flip, around a piece of bent wire. Use wire to help move the arm through individual frames more easily.


Decide what color and length you want your character’s hair to take. Fashion your character’s hair out of modeling clay. Place it on top of a Styrofoam ball equal in diameter to your character’s head.


Start with the hair flat or slightly bobbed at its ends. Move the hair up 1/8 inch. Place the hair on your character’s head. Move the character’s hand up to the base of the hair. Use a 16mm camera with single frame shooting capability to take a still picture of the character. Move the hair and hand 1/8 inch and take another picture.


Continue moving the hair up and over to the other side of the head, taking still shots after every 1/8-inch movement. Coordinate the character’s hand and arm to move with the hair across his face. Plan to take 16 to 30 images for a hair flip designed to last one to two seconds in finished, animated format.


Load the images into digital editing software like Stop Motion Pro, Windows Movie Maker or Stop Motion Animator on your computer and run them together to view your work.

If you can’t access a 16mm camera with single frame shooting capability, use a digital camera and computer editing software like Stop Motion Pro, Windows Movie Maker or Stop Motion Animator to string your photos together into a finished claymation project.


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Such as braid short, wet hair for waves

If short, wet hair for waves you'll be weaving, towel dry it before you want to continue. Short, to braid wet hair for waves with the help of a professional and experienced hair stylist in this free video clip.

Hi, I'm Michelle Simone and I am a Hairstylist. And today I will you show how to braid your hair, short hair for waves. So, once you have your hair is wet and toweled, towel dried it, you will make your hair in two French braids and sections to take. If your hair is longer, you can do a normal braid and give the you bigger waves in the hair. The larger the braid, you use, the larger the wave. The smaller the shaft, depending on close the shaft. We are a French braid to do, because I thin it is easier with the short hair, all your hair into gain. It makes even the most even wave all through the hair. So, to make French braid, only you will first of all in the top half, divide it into three and braid in the upper section over the middle and then right section over the middle. Take a piece of the tip in the vicinity, from your side, the left section add to, and folding it over the middle. The same thing on the right, grab a piece add the right section and go over the middle. All through your hair in this way, you will go down.

What's nice when your hair is wet and it is short is that several of the pieces in place should remain. While if your hair is dry, sometimes get the straight pieces that fall out. So, can you do this hairstyle, at night before you go to bed or you French braids out wearing only it in for the day can. Until the end of the day your hair are beautiful and wise when you pull it out. Once you go to the bottom, just secure it with a hair band. Only it twice you wrap me because the loose hair band, the less likely you are to get a kink in your hair down.

But then you'll go ahead and do just the same on the other side. You will take in the upper section, divide it into three and start folding, add a small piece at a time; exactly the same on the other side, as on the other side. So once you have braided it all the way down you allow your hair to dry, either through sleep or with a hair dryer, depending on you have what enough time for, and then when you take it out, is it even while a really nice, your hair shaft. So, we showed you the short wet hair for waves to weave.

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As a medium-length, layered hair style

Of course suitable for a variety of different beautiful hairstyles medium length layered hair. Style of medium length layered hair with help from a licensed professional hair stylist in this free video clip.

Hello, my name is Stephanie Haynes, and I will give you a layer of medium-length haircut style illustrate. As you see with Karen, she has long hair, she has long layers. But if their hair was cut shorter what we did was instead of the larger curling iron, we would have used a smaller curling iron, on their more layers give, so that it doesn't fall so long - how the lure would have been a little higher up in the location be. So, we would have used a smaller curling iron, and once again, we would be the base of the hair spray, was the curling iron flat continues with the hair. And then as soon as we, curl it like us with the long hair, we would have a little more volume, so that the hair would sit higher and we could make accordingly. So, was the hair of medium length that layers would be higher, and we would use a smaller curling iron. And, just as with the layers long cut, you would all together to make sure that you have the volume and would drop the layers in place. My name is Stephanie Haynes, and I only showed how medium-sized one you length format layered haircut.

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How to Curl Hair With Hot Sticks

One tool that is great to use when curling hair are hot sticks. Learn how to curl hair with hot sticks with help from a licensed cosmetologist in this free video clip.

I'm Camilla Terrell. I'm a master cosmetologist, and the owner of Envision Salon, Spa, and Hair and Nails. And today, I'm going to walk you through a few curly hair tutorials. To create a curl using the hot stick curler, take a slight one-inch to two-inch parting. Make a small section. Lightly mist the hair strand. I lightly mist with a light hairspray, as well as a shine. There's my hot stick curler iron. Holding that hair at a 90 degree angle, I'm going all the way down to the base of the scalp. And here, I'm actually holding the hair on the wand for a good 10 seconds. Twisting out, and get a nice curl.

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The Rules for a Hair Stylist Apprenticeship

The Rules for a Hair Stylist Apprenticeship thumbnail Learn the rules of the trade with a hair stylist apprenticeship. var containerWidth = parseInt($('.Grid8').css('width'), 10);$('.articlePhoto img').bind('load', function() {var img = $(this);var w = img.width();if (w An apprenticeship in hair styling is a valuable experience for an aspiring beauty specialist. It provides the opportunity to learn and practice particular techniques, acquire new ideas and learn to work under the direction of an experienced stylist and gives the apprentice a chance to develop good customer service skills. In order to enjoy these advantages, the apprentice needs to follow specific rules governing professionalism in the field.

The apprentice should always appear neat, lean and properly groomed when working at a salon. Your fingernails should not be long and need to be filed smooth. Wear comfortable clothing that does not violate the particular salon's dress code. Address your hair with particular attention as your own style will serve as example of your and the salon's work. Keep it neat and away from your face so it does not interfere with your vision as you work.

You must be conscientious in your use of the hair salon's equipment. Use a disinfecting solution to clean items such as combs, scissors and any other implements used directly on client's hair. Wipe down other equipment, such as hair dryers and wash basins with a solution that is one part bleach to five parts water. Follow all safety guidelines when utilizing sharp objects or electrical equipment. Do not overload outlets or use very high heat settings. Follow all directives for using hair chemicals in a safe matter, including testing before application.

One of the primary rules of an apprentice hair stylist is to treat customers with respect. Greet all clients warmly as soon as they enter the salon. Assist the other stylists with assessing the customer's hair and making suggestions as to styling. Listen intently to the client to determine what is desired in the way of cutting, styling, permanents, extensions or coloring. Communication is essential in handling hair salon clients, as it helps to build a rapport that leads to repeat business and customer loyalty.

An essential guideline for any hair stylist apprenticeship is a learning mind-set. The apprentice must have a positive attitude while working with senior stylists and completing all tasks, including menial ones. You should seek to learn all aspects of the business, including the elemental work of shampooing, rinsing and sweeping up as well as developing abilities in various hair cutting and treatment applications. Observe the techniques used by experienced stylists, ask questions and request feedback regarding your work. Practice what you are taught and express your appreciation to those who help you learn.

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Messy pony styles for long hair

Messy pony styles are a good way, really have a little fun with your long hair. Learn more about messy pony styles for long hair with the help of a hair and makeup artist in this free video clip.

Hi, I'm Danielle Valiente, hair and beauty expert, and I'll share messy ponytail styles for long hair, with you with products, tools, and techniques. We begin. So, start, create a texture in the hair with your favorite iron. And then, with the fingers, only compute the hair in your hands, and no loose pieces, have dropped. A good deciding factor where the placed ponytail, is in the wake of the cheek bones, the ear and the placement on the scalp. And really, it should be loose. We are dead take a bungee, these things are great, we looked at it with a fabric elastic, with two pins at each end of the elastic. We place the Bungy-PIN at the top and then wrap it around the hair. And it must not this style, be really tight, but if you come back, put your PIN as you it, cross and cross. Now we want to hide the elastic, so we will take some of her hair, wrap it around the ponytail and pin it including stuffed under it. And then, with your fingers on the pony tails, rouge, only to get space between the ponytail. Exists can no pieces that you want to remove, use your fingers and just loose pull it down. Or you use a comb to pull loose pieces apart. And just take a spray and detail where you see some, small details and want to keep the hair. But it is a very loose and natural look, so you don't really try that it held too much space. Would really a lot of movement and separation in the hair. And this is how you a messy ponytail long hair style.

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How to curl long hair & spongy Rod rolling

Great tools are long and spongy Rod rollers to have around if you are attempting to lure your long hair. Curl, long hair with long and spongy Rod roller with the help of a hair and makeup artist in this free video clip.

Hi, I'm Danielle Valiente, hair and beauty expert, and I'll share with you how to curl long hair with sponge rollers with products, tools, and technology. We begin. So begin a soft sculpting spray gel in his hair, a little saturation create too much, just a bit. Now can you these roles from wet to dry. You could a little with spray gel to saturate or do it on dry hair. The strength of the cURL becomes stronger, the hair is more wet. So, with a spray gel, we are just a little moisture, creating the page first starting in the lower section and then we will alternate between two different sizes of sponge rollers. We start with the bigger sponge roller in the ground. About halfway, place the roller in the hair horizontally, wrap the end to and storing them above under roller the roller sponge on the scalp. Then take the roller and twist, cross the ends and that will keep only the roller directly in the village. And we are in the next section to move up. Now again, you will hold when the hair is a bit more wet, a stronger, to get the rotation, if you miss it below or apply it to dry hair as shown here. You're going to less strength in the rotation. A heating appliance such as a hair dryer or dryer hood you can really help the rotation. So, halfway, tucking the packaging ends up and under, rolled and then twist the roller. Our last section at the top sponge roll with the big wrap and the roller down and then twist it held into place. And if you rotate it, it stays just right in place such as those. So, when you are finished, you must allow natural dry a whole head of this sponge roll where you really record can get your hair dryer to help the curls or you even are. And that is, how long hair with sponge rollers to curl.

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How to Style Medium-Length, Straight Hair

Medium-length straight hair can naturally be styled in a number of different gorgeous and elegant ways. Style medium-length straight hair with help from a celebrity hairstylist and beauty expert in this free video clip.

Hello, my name is Hasblady Guzman we're here at Bokaos in Pasadena, and I'd like to show you how to style hair when your hair is mid length. A easy way is to get out of the house quick, fast and look fabulous while your at it. Today, on my model Ruby, I was showing how a simple swept bang will help you create and give a look to a simple style look of straight hair. Also like say giving yourself a little height. It's amazing because it changes your face it instantly leans it out, makes you look taller and very easily you have now completely changed your style and your look. And when doing your friend take it from left to right almost as if you were combing over your hair. Take it, you come, you come and sweep it with your brush. And how fabulous does that look? I hope you enjoyed our rendition of this side swept bang with a little a little bit of a bounce. My name is Hasblady Guzman here at Bokaos in Pasadena. Until next time.

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How to Style Dry & Curly Hair

Styling dry and curly hair always requires you to keep a few very important things in mind. Find out how to style dry and curly hair with help from an independent beauty consultant and make up technician in this free video clip.

Hi, I'm Jill Maria and I'm a Makeup Artist and Stylist at Salon 27. Today, I'm going to show you how to style dry, curly hair. The first thing that we're going to do is section her hair and then, we're going to get some smoothing product. You just want to spray that throughout the hair, making sure that you get it on the ends. Then, we're going to take the flat iron and flat iron it from the root to the end. And you just want to repeat the same steps; section it off again, then flat iron it from the roots to the ends. Okay. And then you can say that this is the, the curly and this is the straight. And that is how you style dry, curly hair. I'm Jill Maria with Salon 27.

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A Stylist's Guide to Red Carpet Hair

Onlookers get just a peek of Charlize Theron's braided bun at the 17th Annual Critics' Choice Movie Awards.(photo: Christopher Polk/Getty Images Entertainment/Getty Images)
Hit your hair with cold air. That’s a major factor to get that shine.

— Steve David, owner of Los Angeles-based Steve David Salon
The red carpet is always a good place to look for inspiration for your next hairstyle — from sexy up 'dos to sleek tresses. While some of these creations seem difficult, two prominent Hollywood stylists have offered their guidance on how you may copy a few hairstyles that stars have worn to big-time events.

Drew Barrymore's hairstyle at a benefit dinner hosted by Chanel in June 2011 consists of loose, relaxed waves. (photo: David Livingston/Getty Images Entertainment/Getty Images) Drew Barrymore’s quintessential relaxed style is enviable. More enviable is the way she translates her easy breezy style to red carpet glamour.

At Chanel's benefit dinner for the Natural Resources Defense Council's Ocean Initiative in June 2011, Barrymore wore tousled waves that were definitely worthy of the red carpet.

“That was '80s retro glam,” said its creator, stylist Byron Williams. “It reminded me of the perfume ads back in the '80s," said Williams, co-owner of Beverly Hills, California-based Byron & Tracey. It’s natural waves — full and messy. I wanted to create something that was reminiscent of that era. It’s not that hard to duplicate at home. If you have a natural wave, just part it in the middle. Intensify the wave with a curling iron. Just fluff it with the brush or tease it a bit to add the body.”

If you are not blessed with natural curls, Los Angeles-based celebrity stylist Steve David, whose clients include Evan Rachel Wood and Beth Behrs, suggests using a curling iron.

“Don’t use the clamp on the curling iron,” he said.“Instead, hold it vertical, so the nose is face toward the ground. You can start from the root or you can start midshaft to the ends for a more boho look. Use a setting lotion to hold the curl.”

Some women have hair that can't hold a curl. David suggests they pin the finished curls with the curling iron. Allow the curls to cool and set for as long as possible. Use a wide-tooth comb to rake out the tendrils, as brushing can wipe out the curl. A bit of sea salt spray can give the finished look additional appeal.

“I love this look because it has movement," David said, "and hair should move.”

Sandra Bullock wears a sleek, straight hairstyle at a late 2011 premiere of "Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close." (photo: Stephen Lovekin/Getty Images Entertainment/Getty Images) Super sleek and sexy is always a good look. Sandra Bullock wore this simple, chic style to the December 2011 New York premiere of her Oscar-nominated film "Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close."

“If you want to wear your hair down, you can make it more elegant by making it very straight and shiny,” David said.“It just looks more polished to wear it sleek rather than allow a more natural texture.”

This look starts with a good blow-dry and brushing. A paddle brush or a round brush with a mixture of natural boar bristles and synthetic bristles is recommended. A plastic brush will not work because the plastic will cause static. Use a flat iron to get a super stick-straight look, then add serum to eliminate flyaways and give your hair an intense shine.

“Finally, hit your hair with cold air,” David said. “That’s a major factor to get that shine. Use your hands to pull hair down as you blast it with cold air.”

To finish the look, take some pomade and pinch the ends to define any layers around your face.

Much of Lea Michele's hair is swept from right to left at the 2012 People’s Choice Awards. (photo: Jason Merritt/Getty Images Entertainment/Getty Images) To add femininity and demure sex appeal to loose locks, sweep them to one side like Lea Michele did at the 2012 People’s Choice Awards.

“This shows off the long silky hair, neck and earrings, if you decide to wear them,” Williams said. “This is a less-is-more look.”

This look is very easy to achieve. It goes best with dresses and gowns with a lot of detail to create an overall balance.

The first step, Williams said, is to blow-dry your hair. Use a bobby pin to hold it in place, then use hairspray and shine to add a touch of glean.

“You don’t have to worry about getting too much body or that it will go flat,” he said.

Reese Witherspoon's hair is pushed into a bun for a gala event in November 2011. (photo: Jason Merritt/Getty Images Entertainment/Getty Images) Who knew a bun could look so elegant? Reese Witherspoon wore a beautiful, modern bun to the Los Angeles County Museum of Art's inaugural Art + Film Gala in November 2011.

“This is really simple, youthful and modern,” Williams said. “It blends the ballerina bun with the '70s era. You can really wear this hairdo with anything. You can do this for a night out or with a gown.”

If you want a thick bun, tease the hair before pulling it into a ponytail at the top of your head. After the hair is secured, start working it around the ponytail and pin it in place.

“Once the hair is in a ponytail, work (a) product in to get rid of the frizz or baby hairs,” Williams said. “Hairspray, a light pomade or a glaze would work to get that sleek look.”

Charlize Theron turns to display her braids at the 17th Annual Critics' Choice Movie Awards. (photo: Christopher Polk/Getty Images Entertainment/Getty Images) The start of the 2012 awards season brought out the braids. Mara Rooney, Kirsten Dunst and Charlize Theron were among those with hair twisted into braids. Theron looked stunning at the 17th Annual Critics' Choice Movie Awards, wearing braids that culminated in a bun behind her head rather than on top. While her look is complicated, David has some tips that may help you acquire it.

Blow-dry your hair to a nice, smooth finish, he advises, and then gather it to the side. Pull three or four sections of hair aside and use them to form the braids, then make a side chignon with the remainder of your hair. Apply a dab of pomade to the separated sections to help create smooth braids. Wrap the braids around the chignon and pin them into place.

“This hair is cool because there is no right or wrong turn,” David said. “It will always have great detail and look really cool.”

To make this look less traditional, swap out the braids for hair knots.

Photo Credit Christopher Polk/Getty Images Entertainment/Getty Images David Livingston/Getty Images Entertainment/Getty Images Stephen Lovekin/Getty Images Entertainment/Getty Images Jason Merritt/Getty Images Entertainment/Getty Images Read Next:

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Layered Hair for Teenagers

Despite the recent popularity of layered haircuts among teenagers, layered haircuts were especially popular among women during the 1990's. The advantage of a layered haircut is that its sassy and energetic flare often requires as little attention as the wearer wants to give it without jeopardizing the look. If you want to give your teen a fun and fashion forward haircut, the layered haircut is the way to go. Does this Spark an idea?

Barber scissorsShampooConditionerWaterTowelHair clipsShow More

1. Shampoo your teenager's hair. Gently massage your teenager's scalp to work the shampoo into the hair and scalp.

2. Rinse the shampoo out of your teenager's hair with warm water. Make sure the water isn't too hot or it may burn the scalp. If the water is hot to the touch, the it's too hot to use to rinse the shampoo out of your teenager's hair.

3. Apply conditioner to your teenager's hair. Gently massage the conditioner into the scalp and let stand for a minute or as directed on the label.

4. Dry your teenager's hair with a towel so that the hair remains damp—neither completely dry but not saturated with water.

5. Divide the hair into even sections using a comb to demarcate each section and hair clips to hold each section of hair in place. Make each section approximately a half an inch apart. One section should be on the crown of the head and three sections should be on each side of the head.6

Trim the nonsectioned piece of hair at the back of your head on your hairline to be the longest layer. Remember not to cut this layer too short or the rest of the layers to follow will be too short.

7. Remove the clip from the lowest section of hair so that you can begin cutting the hair in layers. This layer should be the bottom layer of hair around the entire head.8. Cut the hair on the bottom layer approximately a half to one inch shorter than the layer cut in Step 2.9. Continue working up the head for each section of hair in this same manner. Make sure that you cut each section of hair evenly with the opposite side as well as the back and top of the head.10. Peruse each section of hair after cutting all of the sections to see if there are any uneven spots. If there are some uneven spots, make minor changes as needed, such as trimming a few longer hairs.

This layered haircut works well for teenage boys and girls, but a shorter layered haircut will generally fit boys better than girls.

Remember that it's always prudent to leave more hair on the head because you can always take more off if needed but you can't get hair back once it's cut.

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Long-Lasting Curls for Thick, Straight, Heavy Hair

Thick, straight heavy hair can be curled any which way you'd like using a few basic steps. Learn about long-lasting curls for thick, straight heavy hair with help from a licensed cosmetologist in this free video clip.

I'm Camilla Terrell. I'm a master cosmetologist, and the owner of Envision Salon, Spa, and Hair and Nails. And today, I'm going to walk you through a few curly hair tutorials. We're creating a curl for hair that is thick, straight, and heavy. I don't use any product at this point. I take and I curl the hair with a one-inch iron because one, the hair is heavy, and is thick as well as straight. So, I use my one-inch iron, and I'm creating, like, a spiral curl with my iron. I take and I create that curl, and I pin curl the hair while it's still hot. This is going to help achieve a lasting curl for that hair that is thick, that is heavy, and hard to curl. So, we're making a lasting curl.

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Selling Techniques for Hair Stylists

Selling Techniques for Hair Stylists thumbnail The most important selling technique for a hair stylist is building trust. Your clients must have the confidence that you understand their needs and style their hair in a way that makes them look and feel great. Listen to your clients, understand how they want to look and ask them about any problems they have with their hair. When you understand their needs, offer advice on the best way to achieve the results they want. Clients who trust you to deliver a great service will be happy to book the next appointment. Give someone a bad hair day and you can say goodbye to that client.

Once you have built a client’s trust, you can offer them additional products and services without appearing to be a high-pressure salesperson. If a client has told you about a problem with retaining a style for more than a few days, for example, recommend a product or suggest an additional treatment that will overcome the problem. That represents more income for you and a great benefit for your client.

You can encourage clients to keep coming back by making your service convenient for them. If you have clients who work full time, offer them a service outside your normal hours of business -- in the evening or at the weekend, for example. For clients who find it difficult to get to your salon, offer a home visit service. Make it easy for clients to book future appointments by setting up an online booking page on your website or allowing them to book by email.

You can strengthen relationships with your customers by rewarding their loyalty. Set up a voucher program that offers regular clients discounts for booking a series of appointments in advance. You could also provide a free appointment to clients who remain with you for an extended period, such as nine months or a year.

It’s important to maintain contact with all your clients, particularly those who do not make regular appointments. Ask your clients for email addresses and send them a regular newsletter with interesting information about new styles or new products. Include incentives to book appointments. Use social networking sites to let your clients know about developments in your business or special offers you are providing. You can also build dialogue with your clients by inviting them to leave comments about your service on social networking sites or on your own website.


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How to Make Straight Garden Furrows

The secret to making straight garden furrows rests within a few key steps in the process. Make straight garden furrows with help from a longtime gardener and blogger in this free video clip.

Hi, I'm Amy from, and I'm going to show you how to make a straight garden furrow. All you really need a garden rake and a reasonably good eye. If I had a big old garden I would putting out stakes and string and, you know making lines, but because I have a little garden like so may people have little gardens, I just kind of eyeball the edges and I use a garden rake. Almost everybody has one of these and they might or might not know why they have one, but this is it because it's great for making a little straight furrow. You just walk down the row making your, making your little furrow, just like that. And then if you want to make another one, maybe 6 inches away because of what you're going to plant. Say you were going to plant spinach seeds, 6 inches would be about right. And you just keep going the other way, make your furrow with the rake all the way down the row. It's easy and fast and if you get a weird rock in the you just flip that out and then you think how far apart you want your next furrow and if you want it, you know 6 inches apart, you just go 6 inches. Like if you were going to plant spinach it would be about 6 inches alert. Just pulling that soil back. And then after you have your furrows made and after you've, you know planted your seeds, you can still use the rake another time if you want, you can pull the little bit of soil, think about how much you need, you can pull it back over your seeds, before you tamp it down. So this tool is great and they, it makes it really easy to make straight garden furrows in your garden so that it will be tidy and neat and everything will be spaced just about the way it should. So I'm Amy and those are straight garden furrows.

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How to Air Dry Clothes in a Humid Climate

How to Air Dry Clothes in a Humid Climate thumbnail Clothes dry more slowly in humid conditions. var containerWidth = parseInt($('.Grid8').css('width'), 10);$('.articlePhoto img').bind('load', function() {var img = $(this);var w = img.width();if (w High humidity can cause two types of problems for drying clothes indoors: It can dramatically increase the time clothes require to air dry and cause the clothes to develop a musty odor. Both problems can be remedied by using techniques that decrease drying times. Does this Spark an idea?

Movable drying rackFanDehumidifierTowelsShow More 1

Shake out your slow-drying clothing items before hanging them. Also, wrap them in a dry towel and press out excess moisture before air drying them.


Protect the floor by putting a plastic tarpaulin under your drying rack.


Arrange your clothes on a movable rack, spreading out each item as much as possible and leaving at least 2 to 3 inches between items.


Move the rack so that it stays in direct sunlight throughout the day if your clothes are made of fabrics that do not fade when exposed to sunlight. Place the rack near a heating vent in winter.


Position a fan to blow air on your clothes as they are drying.


Use a dehumidifier in the room in which you are drying clothes.

Use liquid fabric softener to prevent the clothes from getting stiff.

Use a blow dryer on waistbands and similar slow-drying areas if you need to speed up the drying process.


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As think I curl roller a hot hair?

How do I Keep a Hot Roller Curl in Hair? thumbnailPhoto credits: Demand Media Studio var ContainerWidth = ParseInt ($('.)Grid8').CSS('width'), 10); $.bind ('.articlePhoto img') ('load', function {$(this); = var IMG Var w = img.width (); If (w set after going through the tedious process of hot rollers in your hair, you be sure want, that you can keep the rotation for the rest of the day! To achieve this look you will need hot rollers and a workable hair spray. This sparked an idea?

1 2 Photo Credit: Demand Media Studio Photo credit: demand Media Studio

If you lure the release you want to not tear the roller from the hair or the hair down too much weigh. Continue to remove all roles across the whole head.

3 Photo Credit: Demand Media Studio Photo credit: demand Media Studio

Fog-all the hair with a workable hair spray. Make sure to hold the can at a considerable distance from away the hair evenly distribute the product.

4 Photo Credit: Demand Media Studio Photo credit: demand Media Studio

Run your fingers loosen through the hair curl and sit in your desired style. Then follow with an additional mist of Hairspray.

5 Photo Credit: Demand Media Studio Photo credit: demand Media Studio

Refresh throughout the day to the hair, suppose you hair your hands and fluff the roots. The less manipulation, which you apply to your curls, the longer they will last.

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